Application of rugged notebook C156 in oil rotary steerable drillings

Rotary steerable drilling system is a cutting-edge automatic drilling technology, which is the highest level of oil drilling in today's society. This technology has become a must-have in complex directional and extended-reach horizontal Wells and is currently only some drilling service companies such as Baker Hughes and Schlumberger have this technology.

Rotary automatic steerable closed-loop drilling system is composed of downhole steeling tools, MWD system and ground monitoring system. The system can realize the two-way communication between downhole tools and ground monitoring &control system.

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During drilling, the downhole steering tool send position information to the ground via the MWD system, including inclination and high edge information.

Based on this information, the ground monitoring system can transmit instructions to control the downhole steering tool.

In this process, the ground monitoring system needs to work under high temperature, low temperature, humidity, mud, dust and other harsh environment. To ensure the smooth drilling work, it requires that the ground control system has a strong environmental adaptability and stability.

The C156 rugged notebook, developed by Luchengtech Co. Ltd., overcome the harsh conditions of the oil drilling site and successfully set up the ground monitoring system in the rotary steered drilling system. It provides a long-term and stable guarantee for the rotary steerable drilling system to work smoothly.
